The myth of Liberal Democrats and young people

Liberal Democrats

The Liberal Democrat manifesto is super appealing to the youth. All the policies, targets, schemes that the Liberal Democrats have come up with seem to be with the sole intention of appealing the millennials and winning their hearts (and votes). There’s no doubt in the fact that the policies which the liberal Democrats have come up with perfectly cater to the needs of the youth, but they’re all very forward thinking and are sure to work wonders if implemented in the near future.

But the question is – is the category that the Liberal Democrats are targeting really getting drawn towards them due to their youth-centric manifesto? Recently a poll survey published its results – and it seems like, despite all of the perks being issued to the youth, they aren’t really impressed by the manifesto and the effort of the liberal democrats. Around 28% of the people in the age bracket of 18-24 years are readily willing to cast their votes in favour of the Democrats. While this may seem to be an okay-ish number, it is surprising, as the Liberal Democrats have put in a lot of effort to bait the youth and win their votes.

When this figure is compared to the that of the Conservationists, where the youth ready to vote for them constitutes almost 44%, we can practically say that the Liberal Democrats efforts to floor the youth haven’t been successful. So the claims that the Liberals are working towards a better future for the youth and have garnered a lot of support form the millennials can easily be put forth as a myth.

Getting back the support of Gen Y is the sole objective of Liberal Democrats Tim Farron – as the support which the Liberals enjoyed from the youth was completely washed out after the Conservationist coalition. A coalition this time around has been completely ruled out on the Liberal Democratic front.

A few of the policies which the Liberal manifesto claims to be youth-centric include the much awaited Brexit. Apart from this, bringing down the voting age to 16 years is one of their promises – and if this happens, they will be gaining even more support form the number of people aged 16 to 18 years old, which comes to around 1.2 million. An even bigger bait is the tuition fees – the Liberal Democrats are pushing for maintenance grants for poor students who wish to pursue higher studies.

How the scene turns out is something that only time will tell!